HESLB Background | HESLB Loan Allocations | Benefits Of HESLB Loan

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HESLB Background | HESLB Loan Allocations | Benefits Of HESLB Loan
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HESLB Is an abbreviation of Higher Education Student's Loan Board that found in Tanzania established by the government so has to grant loan for Students who need to study higher education level but their family are poor.

Tanzania Government established Higher Education Students’ Loans Board by Act No. 9 of 2004, inaugurated by the Hon. Minister for Higher Education, Science and Technology on the 30th March 2005 and became operational in July 2005. The objective of the Board is to assist, on a loan basis, needy students who secure admission in accredited higher learning institutions, but who have no economic power to pay for the costs of their education. The Board is also entrusted with the task of collecting due loans from previous loan beneficiaries in order to have a revolving fund in place so as to make the Board sustainable.

What HESLB Laon Allocated For?

HESLB Provide essential requirements for students who will be benefited from loan sa follow below:-

  • Meals and Accommodation (MA)
  • Books And Stationary (BS)
  • Field Practical and Trainings (FPT)
  • Tuition Fee
  • Research
  • Special Faculty Requirements (SFR)

NOTE: Not All students will be allocated both of them

Benefits Of Loan From HESLB For Students 

  • Enable them to get fees
  • Enable them to get olace for living and daily food
  • Also other Students use loan money to establish business that increase the earnings  while they going on with studies
  • It's give time students to study because they get all basics need from those loan money


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